For Immediate Release
Easton, MD – November 7, 2023
Contact: Clay B. Stamp
County Manager
“Operation Green Light for Veterans”, hosted nationwide by the National Association for Counties and the National Association of County Veterans Service Officers, invites counties and other government entities to show support for veterans by lighting buildings green each November.
While the “official” time for green lights is November 6th to 12th this year, residents and visitors alike may have noticed that local government buildings have been lit up green for the last few weeks. Talbot County and the Town of Easton chose to start their campaign early.
“Talbot County is home to many veterans, and we appreciate everything that they have done to keep our country safe here and abroad,” said Talbot County Council President Chuck Callahan. “Operation Green Light allows our community to show its support to veterans in many ways…not just lighting up buildings in green, but also sharing resources for veterans, promoting the work of veterans in our community, and sharing stories across the Mid-Shore.”
The County encouraged employee veterans to share their experiences from time in military service as part of the campaign. “It’s been a humbling experience to be able to read about [our veterans] greatest triumphs, as well as challenging moments from their time in service,” said Sarah Kilmon, Communications Manager for the County. The stories will be shared on the Talbot County Government’s Facebook Page.
“We are grateful for individuals who chose to serve then, and continue to serve now as County employees,” said County Manager Clay Stamp. “Veterans have unique skillsets and values, especially in leadership, that makes them important members of our team. They bring different perspectives, and that is invaluable to our efforts to serve our community.”
At their October 24th Council Meeting, the County thanked Mid-Shore Behavioral Health (MSBH) and local veterans groups for their efforts to help our veterans, and officially proclaimed November 6th to 12th as “Operation Green Light” week. MSBH and Maryland’s Commitment to Veterans also highlighted several local resources for Veterans and their families.
MSBH connects individuals to mental health services and assists with referrals to behavioral health options for Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s, and Talbot County. They are ready to assist veterans with specific mental health needs and can be reached at 410-770-4801 or
Maryland’s Commitment to Veterans connects service members to needs and resources in their area. Veterans can reach out to their hotline to request assistance on services like housing, healthcare, employment, and more at 1-877-770-4801.
During the week of November 6th, the groups will highlight resources and promote stories of veterans across the entire Mid-Shore region online, and they encourage businesses and individuals to share the information with the local community.
Talbot County businesses, residents, and organizations are encouraged to light their buildings green, and share their own resources and stories for veterans on social media using the hashtag #OperationGreenLight.
Members of American Legion Post 70, American Legion Blake Blackston Post 77, VFW Post 5118, Mid-Shore Behavioral Health, Maryland Commitment to Veterans (Maryland Department of Health) recieved proclamation for Operation Green Light.
Talbot County’s Courthouse is lit up green light for “Operation Green Light” as a way to show those who served in the U.S. Armed Forces that they are seen, appreciated, and supported.