Sponsor info

The Easton EDC, which promotes the town using the Discover Easton branding, is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. Our mission is to enhance and promote the culture and business community in the Town of Easton. Below are a few of the frequently asked questions we receive and more information about our organization.

Frequently asked questions

The Easton Economic Development Corporation is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization. We support the business community in Easton, mostly the smaller independently owned business. We receive funding through grants & the Town of Easton. Our mission is to enhance and promote the culture and business community in the Town of Easton. Discover Easton is the promotional tool and brand we utilize when promoting Easton. Our website provides detailed local listings for businesses, events, information, and more. We use social media, email marketing, and advertising to draw visitors and customers into Easton for the benefit of our local economy.

No! Your business in Easton is supported by our marketing efforts to the best of our ability. At times, we will ask if you are able to support our community events  and participate in our co-op marketing campaigns, but you are under no obligation to do so.

We would welcome you as a sponsor! Our community sponsors provide the opportunity for us to offer our events free to the community. To learn more: SPONSOR INFO

Throughout the year we purchase space in publications to promote Easton. We also develop co-op’s to provide advertising opportunities to our local businesses at reduced rates with no contracts or future obligations. We host and support events in Easton which draw people to our town. We use our mailing list to share in-store promotions and events so our local businesses can reach a larger audience. We connect with people on social media and share information about Easton and our business community. We’ve created this site as a platform for businesses to share their information and for us to promote Easton to our digital guests and invite them in our town. We advertise digitally through google and other platforms. 

Chesapeake Fire & Ice Festival, St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Easter Egg Hunt, Summer Movie Nights and Holiday in Easton events, which includes the Moonlight Madness shopping night and the Christmas parade. These are just a sampling of the events we help produce! 

We are happy to speak with you about your business or event goals in Easton. We can help connect you with the right space to set up shop, provide guidance on applications, and help provide you with the tools and resources to get started. We encourage you to use our knowledge of Easton and our connections to make your dreams a reality.

We are always looking for committee members and volunteers to help us throughout the year! Give us a shout at info@eastonedc.com

Have More Questions?

Gve us a call at 410-690-7348 or email us at welcome@discovereaston.com. .