
Discover Easton Marketing Opportunities

We reserve space in various publications and offer discounted advertising  co-ops throughout the year. Members gain access to advertising and operating discounts from our  media partners and trade organizations. We host many Signature Events and provide businesses with the marketing tools, sponsorship levels, and ways to partner with us during the event. Most of our services are available to any Easton business. Members receive placement preference, additional discounted rates, and many other membership perks.

Event & Promotions Publishing

Our goal is to help organizations spread the word about their Easton based activities. We provide marketing tools to help you reach a wider audience and have a more successful event. Discover Easton strives to be the premiere source for information on what’s happening in Easton. We believe promoting events is essential to bringing in more people to Easton, benefiting our small business community. 

We offer free publishing of events on DiscoverEaston.com. Members have the added benefit of having their events published in our weekly emails and online with featured placement and priority. We also publish and share recent news and Easton updates. Please send us your press releases for consideration.

We also have an engaged social media presence on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter where we share events and market the Town of Easton.

Our audience is active in our community, show an interest in Easton, or have visited us in the past. They are likely to continue to spend time and money in Easton.

Direct Email Audience
Social Media Followers
Monthly Page Views
Unique Listings Online
Promote Your Business During Signature Events

We’ve compiled our logos, press releases, social media guides, and more to help you market your business alongside our Signature Events. These are events designed to bring people into Easton, and we hope you take full advantage of the opportunity by participating.

Our media kits can help you promote an in-store event, special promotion, and connect your business with the event’s audience.

Discover Easton is happy to assist our local businesses with designs, printing, consultation, or any other items needed to help you market your business. Contact us for more information.

Social Media Kits
"Having stores in two other locations and recently opening our third location in Easton, it's been so refreshing working with Discover Easton. They have definitely taken some of the load off our backs by presenting us with different means of marketing and advertising opportunities."
Niki & Bob Pino
An Optical Galleria, LLC