Spring is coming early!

A Minute with Mayor Willey

As the weather turns better every day, take advantage of what Easton has to offer. A walk on the Rails To Trails network is always a treat. Improvements are coming daily to the trail. It’s a good time to visit the new shops in Town and some of our longtime shop keepers.  With more folks outside it is always a good idea to be patient. We will continue our visits to the local merchants, so if you would like to have company, give Lance Morris a call at the Easton Economic Development Corporation. So whatever your taste, now is the time to be out and around.

Recently, we visited with Retay USA. This manufacturer of high-end shotguns is a unique business that ships all over the world. We are lucky to have them in Easton.

Retay Staff

More Town of Easton News:

For an interesting overview of Easton, check out our new interactive site, Eye Over Easton.

Upcoming: The Town of Easton will have a team in the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Potato Race! Join us on March 17, 5:30 PM downtown for the parade and race immediately following.