Simonsen named Director, Corporate Communications

Easton Utilities named Kelly Simonsen, as the Director of Corporate Communications. This new position will be responsible for developing and implementing the overall communications strategy including internal and external communications, media relations, branding, advertising, events, and charitable giving.

“Kelly has been a valuable part of the leadership team offering her expertise in how best to share the important information and educational messaging with our employees, customers, and community,” said John J. Horner, President and CEO of Easton Utilities. In her new role, Simonsen will oversee all communications involving the organization including the development and implementation of a multi-channel communications strategy for the wide range of services provided by Easton Utilities and Easton Velocity. Working with the Marketing and Communications team, Simonsen will continue to promote and enhance the image of Easton Utilities and Easton Velocity to uphold both customer and employee satisfaction.

“We try to be proactive with our approach to authentic communication using a variety of tools and
platforms to ensure all of our customers stay informed and aware ,” said Simonsen. Simonsen began her career at Easton Utilities in 2016 as the Marketing and Communications Manager. Prior to joining Easton Utilities, she spent the majority of her career in marketing working for several niche corporations to include a national hotel chain, an international medical device company
and a national industrial service provider.

Simonsen holds a bs in communication from Towson University and is currently working on her
master’s in integrated marketing communications at Georgetown University. She is a Graduate of
Shore Leadership (2014) and is currently on the board of MD/DC Utilities Association, Eastern Shore Land Conservancy, and SOS Sink or Swim. Simonsen has lived in Easton since 2013 with her
husband and two daughters.

Easton Utilities is a community-owned, not-for-profit utility and telecommunications company
operating the Electric, Natural Gas, Water, Wastewater, Cable Television, and Internet services for
the Town of Easton and portions of the surrounding area. Visit for more