The Voice of Business for 700+ Members, Representing 8,000 Employees.
President's Message
The Talbot County Chamber of Commerce is the voice of business for 700 members representing 8,000 employees. The purpose of the Chamber is to protect, preserve and promote the free enterprise system of business and to advance the commercial, industrial, civic and general interests of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Talbot County and its trading area. We endeavor to create a better understanding and appreciation of the importance of business people and concern for their problems. The Chamber encourages business and community growth and planned development by promoting economic programs designed to strengthened and expand income potential of all business within our trading area.
In order to achieve these objectives, the Chamber maintains and distributes business and civic information; participates in the consideration of local, state and national issues of concern to our membership; and builds partnerships with government, education and other organizations that impact our members ability to do business.
Networking is the most basic of Chamber benefits. You can meet decision makers from across the region at 100 annual programs, events, and meetings. The Talbot County Chamber is the 4-1-1 for business. Chamber members have exclusive opportunities to spread the word about their business through sponsorships, advertising, and free news briefs in the Chamber e-newsletter and Chamberline Newsletter. The Chamber offers its' members access to state of the art technology utilizing our resource and conference rooms that offer two way interactive conferencing capability.
The Chamber leadership team is guided by a philosophy of total quality to serve our members. I invite you to contact the Talbot County Chamber of Commerce to learn more about the programs and services that are available to our members. Please visit our web site at or call us at (410) 822-4653 for more information about the Talbot County Chamber of Commerce.
Alan I. Silverstein, IOM
President & CEO