The latest marketing, updates, & promotions from the members of Discover Easton.
Chesapeake Fire and Ice Returns to Easton MD February 16 & 17, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (EASTON-MD – JANUARY 21, 2023) CONTACT: TERRY JOHN, 410-770-3337 Mid-Atlantic TirePros Collects Coats for 16th Annual Coats for Kids Drive Mid-Atlantic TirePros in Easton recently sponsored its 16th Annual Arlene M. John Koats for Kids Drive, collecting over 559 coats and dozens of gloves, knit hats, mittens, and scarves for underprivileged children on […]
CELEBRATING 9 YEARS!!! Please come by for a special reception Friday October 7 from 5-8 pm for a glass of bubbly and cake! Read more here!
On Exhibit Joe Mayer: A Retrospective “Every time I pick up the brush it’s a brand new experience,” Joe Mayer was fond of saying. “After thirty-five years devoted to watercolor landscapes I find my work keeps leaning more and more towards non-objective paintings in oils, acrylics and watercolor. My recent work reflects my attempts to create a perfect […]
AND AWAY WE GO! Our new Fall 22 collection is here and arriving weekly. We are loving the colors and textures!
On Exhibit Joe Mayer: A Retrospective “Every time I pick up the brush it’s a brand new experience,” Joe Mayer was fond of saying. “After thirty-five years devoted to watercolor landscapes I find my work keeps leaning more and more towards non-objective paintings in oils, acrylics and watercolor. My recent work reflects my attempts to create a perfect […]