January 2020- With Governor Hogan’s announcement declaring 2020 the Year of the Woman, Discover Easton is proud to partner with the Talbot Spy to highlight a select group of female leaders that have had a positive impact on Easton over the years.
Hogan’s announcement comes during a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment, which extended suffrage to women across the United States. Over these past 100 years, female doctors, philanthropists, directors, entrepreneurs, teachers, and more have moved Easton forward in a way that would be impossible without their efforts.
Some have made their impact publicly, creating events or starting initiatives that have left an impact on the town years later. Others, often in greater numbers, have left their mark privately, having a one-on-one impact with a patient or student, employing a local resident in need, or guiding an important project to completion. We are excited to celebrate these women over the course of 2020, profiling many of them in collaboration with the Talbot Spy to highlight them personally and shine a light on the mark they have left in Easton and the surrounding area.
To nominate someone you believe should be profiled, please go to discovereaston.com/yow. Nominations will be accepted on a rolling basis and profiles will be completed throughout the year in The Talbot Spy and on DiscoverEaston.com.