When: Every Saturday, RAIN OR SHINE, April through December, 8:00am-1:00pm
Where: Public Lot; 100 Block of N. Harrison St
SPECIAL NOTICE Effective August 8, the market will occupy both the parking lot on Harrison Street (its original location) and the other side of the lot that connects to Washington Street. This allows the market to promote appropriate social distancing without losing vendors.
The Easton Farmers Market will operate under a public assembly permit from the Town of Easton and Talbot County government, meaning that either entity could close the market if vendors or customers fail to follow public safety rules. For this reason, it is the responsibility of everyone to both follow the rules AND call out/refuse service to customers who fail to do so. Please help keep this market alive and as safe as possible.
Masks that cover both noses and mouths will be required of everyone at the market – vendors and shoppers alike. The new market layout will be such that every other space in the lot(s) will be utilized. Patrons should enter and exit the market through the roads and never cut between vendors. All produce and products will be displayed behind the vendor’s sales tables. Customers will not have direct access to product to keep multiple hands from touching the produce or products. Customers will be served one at a time keeping appropriate social distance from one another.
Pre-ordering and prepaying whenever possible is still encouraged, as is the frequent use of hand sanitizer between transactions.
Please do not come to the market if you are feeling sick or have been exposed to someone who has been diagnosed with COVID 19.
Be patient, respectful and courteous especially as everyone is navigating this change back to downtown Easton. Consider using time before or after your trip to the market to visit local downtown shops, restaurants and merchants who all need your support more than ever.