As part of efforts to connect customers with the small businesses that need them most, Discover Easton has introduced Social Distancing Bingo as a fun way to safely support local businesses.
The bingo card offers fun challenges for locals to complete. Each task benefits a local business, strengthens bonds to the community, and offers a fun diversion during a time of social distancing.
“We wanted to find something fun for our community to do while practicing safe habits,” Discover Easton Marketing & Events Coordinator Jeff Lankford said. “We love creating events that support our community, and we hope this fills the void for the time being.”
To play, participants must stay six feet away from others in public, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds after transactions, and all challenges need to support an Easton business or organization.
Players can download a bingo card at Create a line of five on the bingo card by completing the different challenges. Tasks include ordering carry out from an Easton restaurant, purchasing a gift card, going for a walk to see the sites and spring flowers in town, volunteering, and thanking a local healthcare worker.
Completed bingo cards can be posted on social media with #DiscoverEastonBINGO or emailed to along with any pictures of completed challenges or proof of purchases (if applicable). Each winning card will be entered into a drawing on April 10 for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate to an Easton business of your choice, courtesy of Discover Easton.
“Players of Social Distancing Bingo will find that they are already completing many of the challenges,” Lankford said. “We hope that the other spaces provide a fun diversion while showing how effortless it can be to support your local community.”
Discover Easton has made it easy to get a jump start on the bingo challenges. An online portal was created to purchase Easton business gift cards. In addition to offering the gift cards for locally-owned businesses, Discover Easton is also absorbing all credit card fees and delivery costs to customers that purchase the gift cards. To help patrons find food from our local restaurants, Discover Easton created a list of Easton restaurants offering carry-out service.
For more information on these programs and ways to support Easton businesses, visit Follow Discover Easton on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @discovereaston.
About Discover Easton: Discover Easton is a marketing, promotion and events non-profit organization operating as a member of the Mid-Shore Community Foundation. The mission of Discover Easton is to enhance, promote and preserve the vitality of Easton’s independent merchants which benefit business owners, residents and visitors; and to bring awareness to the Town’s historical roots and lifestyles.