Updates from Annapolis
Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery Stage One Stage One of the ‘Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery’ took effect last Friday at 5:00 pm, with the state moving from a Stay at Home order to a Safer at Home public health advisory, and gradual reopenings of retail, manufacturing, houses of worship, and some personal services.
As the governor announced on Wednesday, Stage One will be implemented with a flexible, community-based approach that empowers individual jurisdictions to make decisions regarding the timing of reopening. Through a new interactive map on governor.maryland.gov/recovery, Marylanders will be able to see which counties are implementing Stage One of the ‘Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery,’ which are partially implementing Stage One guidance, and which counties remain closed.
MEMA has also shared a county-by-county list of Business Resources for Reopening. You can view and download this helpful guide here.
Paycheck Protection Program Loan Forgiveness
The Small Business Administration and U. S. Department of Treasury have released the application that borrowers must complete in order to have their Paycheck Protection Program loan forgiven. The form includes detailed information about the costs that are eligible for forgiveness and instructions for calculating those costs.
SBA announced several measures intended to reduce compliance burden and simplify the forgiveness process for borrowers, including a safe harbor from loan forgiveness reduction for borrowers that were able to rehire employees who had previously been let go or laid off by June 30, 2020. It also included an exemption from forgiveness reduction for borrowers who have made a good-faith, written offer to rehire workers that was declined. Additionally, SBA provided an option for borrowers to calculate payroll costs using an “alternative payroll covered period” that aligns with their regular payroll cycles, and flexibility to include eligible payroll and non-payroll expenses paid or incurred during the eight-week period after receiving their PPP loan. SBA noted that it will soon issue regulations and additional guidance for borrowers on completing the forgiveness form, as well as guidance for lenders detailing their responsibilities. You can access the form here.
Sources for Critical Supplies
We have compiled the following sources for critical supplies. Please contact us if you are interested in adding your business to this list.
MEMA is supporting their private sector partners by determining the needs of the private sector community on cloth masks. Quantities will be prioritized and allocated by industry to support the reopening plan. If your business is in need of face masks, please provide us with the following information as soon as possible:
Quantity Needed
Business Name and Address
Point of Contact
Phone Number and Email Address
*Businesses with a presence in Maryland are noted with an asterisk.
Face Masks for Purchase
*Officemart (MRA’s benefit partner supplier) Purchasing quantities start at 12 units
Masks can be customized for color, design, and text printing.Contact: Mary Jo, at 320-492-0266
*Sterling Forever
3-ply blue disposable face masks (pack of 50): $38FDA-certified KN95 masks (pack of 5): $18Large bulk order pricing available upon request
Contact: Alex Boellner, at marylandmasks@gmail.com
*Paymer and Phillips
Contact: Pete Daly, at 410-923-6000
Hart Schaffner Marx
Masks can be purchased in the following quantities:
Units Price Each
5 $6.00
20 $5.92
50 $5.76
100 $5.49
500 + $3.34
Contact: Steve Dell’Olio, at 646-528-3849 or by email at steve.dellollio@wdiamondgroup.com
Morrison Medical
$1.29 per face mask ($1.19 each after $2,000)
$3.99 per face shield
Contact: Josh Fraley, at orders@morrisonmed.com
Plastic Countertop Sneeze Guards
*Maryland SurfacingPlastic sneeze guards may be placed between customers and employees at retail counters.Pricing starts at $200 depending on unit selection
Exact estimates available upon request
Contact: Tony Bueso, at 240-575-9109, or by email at estimating@marylandsurfacing.com
*CBD Supply Maryland Ethyl-based alcohol with aloe and vitamin E added to the product. Product is offered with CBD infused and non-CBD infused options, and comes in a 1oz/30ml sealable bottle. Loose Order Prices
Non-CBD Hand Sanitizer $3.60 per bottle
CBD-Infused Hand Sanitizer $3.85 per bottle
Deliveries can be expected to arrive within 3-5 business days, though shipping times may be subject to change based upon the evolving situation.
Retailer Resources
Our partners at the National Retail Federation have compiled a list of retail job opportunities in Maryland. Click here to view this helpful resource, and please let us know if you would like to submit your own job postings.
The University of Maryland Medical System is also currently hiring for per diem, benefited positions. You can view the job postings site here. Please feel free to share this information with anyone you know who is currently looking for work.
NRF has put together a helpful checklist to help retailers prepare to reopen. You can view the list here.
NRF has also organized working groups to support “Operation Open Doors – Path to Reopen Retail.” They have hosted several working group calls to start gathering guidance and resources for retailers as stores begin to reopen across the country. If representatives from your company would like to get involved, please fill out the form here.
Members who would like to sign and display the Maryland Strong: BACK TO BUSINESS PLEDGE can view and download a copy here.
Stay in the Know
A list of Maryland and Federal COVID-19 news updates and information, and a list of critical items needed for donation to the Maryland Emergency Management Agency, is available on MRA’s resources for businesses page. If you’re having trouble determining what resources are most appropriate for your business, check out the Maryland Business Relief Wizard, a tool that helps connect businesses with the resources and programming for which they’re eligible.
Please click here for Small Business Administration Disaster Loan Assistance. The Departments of Commerce and Labor have confirmed that any small business receiving financial assistance via federal loan programs is NOT DISQUALIFIED from applying for the loans/grants being offered at the state level. The same can be said in reverse – if a small business is receiving state assistance they are NOT DISQUALIFIED from federal loans and grants.
Our expert benefit partners are available during this challenging time to assist with your business needs, including shipping, loans, job posting, legal advice and more. Members with shipping questions can view updates, tips, and news from PartnerShip here. Please note you should consult industry experts with specific concerns, however we are here to connect you to, or help find answers to your questions.
Do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions or concerns.