As a small business in downtown Easton, we are always hit up for donations to the many non-profit organizations and fundraising events our community celebrates. It would be impossible to support them all. We rarely seek acknowledgement and prefer to give quietly, supporting the organizations that speak to our hearts and soul.
However, when asked if we could help order 1,000 flowers for the Juneteenth celebration march through Easton tomorrow, we knew that this was different. We knew we could do that and a little more. We quickly agreed to not only order the flowers but to actually donate them to our community as well.
Collectively, we have more than 30 years direct, hands-on experience in the garden and flower world. We see every day the powerful effect flowers have when shared. Flowers heal and promote beauty. They offer a direct connection to the natural world which is an endless source of healing on so many levels. So it’s only natural that we want to share that with our community.
We believe in equality and justice for all people. The way society has treated black and brown people in our country for the past 400 years is an indelible stain on our nation’s history that we can never erase. We can do better than better, we need to do better than better and we need to do it now.
In the words of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., “Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice.”
For information about the march, click on Talbot Democratic Party and Building African American Minds, Inc.