The following Academy Art Museum exhibitions are sponsored by the Talbot County Arts Council, the Maryland State Arts Council, and the Star Democrat. Free and open daily, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Annual Members’ Exhibition
The Small Originals Holiday Exhibition
Through December 4, 2019
FREE and Open daily from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Easton Armory (aka Waterfowl Building), 40 S. Harrison St., Easton, MD, across the street from the Academy Art Museum (during the Museum’s renovations)
Museum members are invited to get creative, imaginative and experimental around a Small Original theme in any medium. Participation in the Members’ Exhibition is not juried. Anyone with a current membership, valid through the end of the exhibition, may enter one artwork. 2D artwork may not exceed 13 x 13 inches (maximum dimensions, including frame), or 13 x 13 x 13 inches for 3D artwork. David Hawkins, Head of Education at The Kreeger Museum, will serve as judge for the 2019 exhibition.
GAMELATRON @ AAM: Bodyphones
Through April 2020
FREE & Open daily from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Museum Front Yard
Bodyphones is an immersive installation by Aaron Taylor Kuffner (1975), an American-born conceptual artist, based in New York. The artwork’s mission is to expand the legacy and creative cultural power of the traditional Indonesian instrument called the gamelan. Kuffner exhibits his Gamelatrons to create sanctuaries both in public and private spaces.
Portfolio Night
Wednesday, December 4, 2019, 6 – 8 p.m.
Area high school students are encouraged to bring their artwork to receive expert tips on what makes a winning portfolio from a panel of art school representatives and professional artists. This evening is ideal for high school seniors who are considering applying to art school and underclassmen who would like to get a leg up on preparing a strong portfolio. Parents, teachers, and guidance counselors are welcome as well.
Open MIC
Second Wednesday Each Month
December 11 – Frozen
FREE. Contact Ray Remesch at RayRemesch@gmail.com for additional information.
Handmade Coastal Holiday Ornaments
Instructor: Maggii Sarfaty
2-day workshop: December 5 and 6
Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m. – 12 noon
Cost: $65 Members, $80 Non-members, plus $10 materials fee paid to instructor at first class
Edible Art: Decorative Gingerbread
Instructor: Maggii Sarfaty
1 evening Workshop: Thursday, December 12, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Cost: $65 Members, $80 Non-members, plus fee for cookies ($12) or house ($20) paid to instructor
Family Ornament Day
Instructor: Museum Staff
Saturday, December 14, 2019, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Piano & Guitar Lessons
Instructor: Raymond Remesch
Contact Instructor for further information at (410) 829-0335 or rayremesch@gmail.com.
Voice Lessons
Instructor: Georgiann Gibson
Contact instructor for Information at (410) 829-2525 or georgiann@atlanticbb.net.
Ballroom and Latin Dance
Instructor: Amanda Showell
Contact instructor for information at (302) 377-3088 or visit dancingontheshore.com.
For additional information, visit academyartmuseum.org or call the Museum at 410-822-2787.